$22.00 USD

Every month

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Join a year with the inner mountain beings and many other beautiful, benevolent realms as they help us to remember their powerful, ancient healing knowledge and their beautiful traditions and ways.

Get the discounted rate of $66/month for twelve months.

Infinite Soul Wisdom Monthly Membership

Start Each Month with a Sense of Grounding, Cosmic Context, and Guidance from the Spirit World, Your Own Soul, and Soul Community!

Get Support for Your Month Ahead and Get to Know This Soul Community More!

What you'll get:

  • Monthly live and recorded gathering every first Friday of the month, 10am - 11:30am Pacific
  • Review of the main Month Ahead astrology happenings
  • Monthly channeled message
  • A private members only online community sharing space

This membership also comes with a 20% discount on one on one sessions with Martha and a 20% discount on all one time and previously offered or one time workshops (not upcoming year long courses).

You are welcome to come and go from the membership whenever you like!  There is no minimum or maximum time you must be enrolled.  Join for one month and stay as long as you like!

Join this membership to support this work and to support YOU!