My name is Martha Alter Hines.
I am so happy you are here.
This site is dedicated to YOU - the REAL soul YOU.
Please join our free community, connect with like minded beautiful souls.
And please explore. We have much here to support the soul YOU to remember who you are, to celebrate who you are, and to help remind you how loved and connected you are - as a being of Earth, soul, spirit, and more.
See you soon!
Join Our Free Community!"We Are midwifing ourselves back into a remembering of who we really are..."

"I just wanted to stay a massive thank you for your incredibly generous, loving and heart-centered session with me yesterday to connect to my spirit team more fully. I have been thinking about it all day, and was so touched at your care and sensitivity through the whole session. What a big loving heart you have Martha, it shines through every bit of your work.
Your session broke the habits of a lifetime, to stop rushing from one deadline to the next. I think it will have major implications to how I work, how much I work, and what my work comprises of moving forwards.
Thanks a million Martha, you are an angel!"
free gifts for you!

March 9 - 30, 2025
Live and Recorded!
Join Martha, Cayelin Castell, and ten wonderful speakers for a beautiful FREE summit in March 2025 to support us in this POWERFUL astrological time to choose to be superconductors of love in concert with the beautiful cosmic energies supporting us in this time!
Join our community!
cheer each other on in our soul journeys!

The Astrology of 2025!

Astrology of 2025 workshop!
Monday, January 13, 2025, 10am - 12pm Pacific
Live and Recorded!
Join us live or through the recording to dive more deeply into the Astrology of 2025 and what it means for YOU!
Workshop comes with the FULL 2025 Cosmic Wisdom Guide and Full Transit Guide!
coming in 2025!
join now!
Bundles and Sliding Scale Options Available

A Year with ben-huis and friends
January 2025 - December 2025
Live and Recorded!
Join us for this beautiful, unique series where we are hosted by Ben-Huis, the inner mountain community, and many other beings of benevolent realms to remember and enjoy their ancient healing wisdom of the crystalline, quantum, Earth realms, and beyond.

Infinite Soul Wisdom Astrology 101
February 2025 - February 2026
Includes Astrology of 2025 Workshop AND 25% Discount on ALL Other Offerings!
Join us for sacred "portal of remembering" to come into a deeper understanding and relationship with the cosmos, astrology, your own soul wisdom, and life itself.
This course "teaches" astrology from the ground up in a way unlike any other astrology course and is perfect for beginners through professional astrologers.

The Stars Speak
April 2025 - April 2026
Includes Astrology of 2025 Workshop AND 25% Discount on ALL Other Offerings!
Join us for sacred journey of connecting with the "council of stars" and the wisdom of the stars, your own soul knowing, the astronomy and science, mythology, astrology, and the stars themselves.
This course will have most sessions with Martha, plus a monthly, live session with Chris Skidmore, as well guest workshops with Cayelin Castell, Divine Harmony, Julia Balaz, and Heather Ensworth.
This is a star journey unlike any other in beautiful soul community.
Words of This Soul Community

"I can’t express succinctly what a gift I have found in Martha Alter Hines’ astrology course.
Martha is an extremely nurturing facilitator, and a crystal clear communicator. She is a breath of fresh air in a rapidly growing space - not only in her nuanced sensitivity, but in her far ranging vision and her tireless work ethic. She is also deeply intuitive and responsive to the directives of her own soul guidance, never locking in fixed plans to miss an opportunity for discovery or happy accident. She experiences the unfolding of our journey with the same wonder as each of us. Those in this group have been so generous and nurturing of each other, as well, and bring such a wide spectrum of experience to each of our meetings. I truly cannot overstate how much this class has lit me up and brought me back to my center. I am forever grateful!"
Chandani, Healer and Body Worker
"Since I started the Astrology 101 course in February 2024 it is a continuous experience of joy and appreciation.
No pressure or judgement is executed and I never felt so easy in my 65 years old life to share my thoughts and insights on different subjects.
The fivefolded format of conveying the astrological content (The Information Session, The ChannelingSession, The Big Q & A and Wrap up Session, The Small Sharing Circles and the Mythology Session with Chris Skidmore) gives opportunity to become familiar with the learning matter from different angels and
gives time to dive deep into the material.
The Mythology Session alone is already an immense source of joy, so much depth and knowledge gets shared there.
A beautiful addition are the superb guestspeakers, who give outlooks on the vastness of the astrological
And last not least: the course is inbeded in a spiritual dimension. That feels so right and that is how I think humanity will find the way into a better future!"
Kaye, Kinesiologist
"My recent session with Martha was truly incredible. The insights she shared about my astrology chart, along with her compassionate and honest encouragement, brought me the clarity I had been seeking for some time. I truly felt that Martha connected with my inner being.
I regularly listen to Martha's videos and joined her 'Ultimate Divine Blueprint' journey, which has been profoundly supportive in helping me reconnect with my true essence. The messages from her channeling are extraordinary—so loving, gentle, and humble. Martha embodies heart; her generosity and kindness shine through in everything she shares. I am deeply grateful for her."
Gwen Ellison
"Martha is the most wonderful teacher. Her depth of knowledge and understanding of the subject matter has at it’s core a true kindness and caring that is palpable in each and every class, and this allows for tremendous openness and flow to be present in the teaching and receiving. In addition, she never judges, and so the student feels safe and secure to grow and open at their own pace. I feel so fortunate to be in this work at this time with Martha - she is uniquely suited to leading us forward into the next, creating the sacred atmosphere that allows for us to become who we truly are."
Barbara R.
"Astrology 101 is more than a course, it is a journey. Getting to know the planets cognitively but also personally. There is learning through charts and videos, discussions of astronomy and information researched by others and shared with the group, all of which was fascinating, intriguing and enriching. And the most expansive part of this last year for me was Martha’s channeling and being guided, having the space held for my inner knowing to be in communication with the actual being of the planets, the consciousness of each one. A way of listening, allowing, communicating so that the wisdom of the cosmos came to us and through us into the world. Our small sharing groups provided structure and nurture for exchange of ideas, feelings, questions and insights that offered more delicious flavor in what felt to me like a soul community."
A.S., writer and teacher
"I have worked with many healers, counselors, and therapists, and Martha stands out among them. Martha brings intuition and intelligence to her work. It is clear that she is deeply connected to source and she also connects with her clients deeply, through listening to them and by bringing wisdom to her sessions. Her astrology readings have been incredibly precise, which have helped me not only to make sense of my past but also to prepare for future challenges. During group sessions, she holds a sacred space for both introspection, growth, and sharing. I can't say enough good things about her work. She is someone who has a lot of gifts, and someone who shares those gifts generously."
"I have worked with Martha in a number of different ways over the last year and a half: through individual sessions, in small groups, and listening to many of her beautiful interviews and transmissions.I have such gratitude for the unique and beautiful space that Martha holds, in all of these ways and more. She lives that which she encourages each of us to find within ourselves, which is a deep, profound connection to her inner knowing, to her heart, to her unique gifts, and to the great, loving cosmos of which we are an intrinsic part; all from a place of immense integrity.
Working with Martha, I have never been in doubt of these qualities, and of the humility and highest intention that she holds with her work, whether in individual sessions, or in groups. With her background as a therapist, her work is also trauma-informed, which is so important!
She has had the capacity to see me in my truth and wholeness at times when I’ve been struggling to do so, meeting me with gentle, loving encouragement and wisdom, and helping me to reconnect with both.
A session or course with Martha, in whatever form you choose to explore working with her can be a most wonderful gift, supporting you to connect more deeply with yourself, with the cosmos, and with your gifts and offerings in the world, in whichever ways are most meaningful and important for you.
Thank you for all that you do dear Martha, you are so precious!”
"Martha’s Astrology 101 class is much more than an introduction to astrology. Yes, you will learn the astrological meanings of planets and signs. And you will delve into the archetypes in the mythology; you will learn some of the astronomy; and you will receive insights from some of the most thought-provoking contemporary astrologists around the globe today. But what’s more extraordinary, you will form a relationship with the beings we call the planets of our solar system. You will learn to trust yourself as you explore your own inner knowing of these beings. That’s what happened for me, and it is truly life-changing."
"The material of the Astrology 101 Course is so alive that it gets integrated effortlessly. It truly feels like remembering natural ways of being. Martha holds a completely safe and welcoming space where self expression is supported and honoured. No pressure to know anything or share. Everyone can relax, listen and grow."
T.G., Healer
"As a Social Worker, I learned a key survival factor, that I hadn’t learned as a Backcountry Guide. In the backcountry, the essential criteria for keeping a person safe is to provide ‘food, water, and shelter’ (maintain body temperature) along with CPR and First Aid.
Yet, I learned in my later work, that it is unconditional love that we humans will move mountains to secure. We must have it; and Martha provides an endless supply.
Add to this her professional training and years of experience; and the combination was winning for me. Plus, she can enhance all this with astrological and channeling components, when these are appropriate. I couldn’t have chosen a more competent person to assist me with some trauma-work; that I was wanting to move through and put to rest."
Karen D.
"Martha is gifted at creating spaces (and has a strong intention to create these kind of spaces) that bring forth the wisdom of each one participating in her programs. Though she does present information each month and dedicate time and effort to the creation of the data, much is also learned and absorbed through the sharing of the participants in the program. She has created a clear sense of community and cultivated a safe space to share."
"I sometimes wonder why my soul has chosen to incarnate at this time in our human history, because it can be both exciting and really traumatic.
"I am a student of Martha's in her Astrology 101 Course. Personally, I do not like to call this a "course." For me, it has been a journey, an experience. This journey has opened me up in ways that I could not have imagined. It has changed my life in profound ways. Martha is a compassionate, loving holder of sacred space. During this journey I have had the blessing of being in sacred space with many wise, beautiful, amazing Souls. I feel so honored, blessed and grateful to be sharing sacred space in this way. I have no doubt that the love and energy is rippling out to the Universe."
"I have been part of Martha’s Astro 101 group for almost a year now and I’ve participated in a number of her monthly membership soul gatherings.
I love Martha’s inclusiveness and authenticity. She brings this into her work with love for what she is doing and just as importantly to her, for the love of holding and inviting each person to experience her/his own unique connection and engagement with soul process and the planetary energies.Martha is generous with time and truly works with intention and awareness to co-create a shared listening, learning and discussion experience as she guides and facilitates. I appreciate that she pairs this with a solid organizational base to the teaching part and group structure with flexibility. This supports a rich space of wisdom and shared growth."
BARB TECHEL, Intuitive Reader and Mentor for People & Pets, Author, & Artist
"Martha’s gentle, kind, sweet spirit and generous heart brought me to have several astrology readings with her.
I deeply appreciate the care Martha exudes and brings to her readings. She has guided me with beneficial suggestions for navigating challenging aspects of my chart, while also allowing me to understand my personal chart as not something to fear, but rather a map that is there for me to move forward in my own unique way.
Her dedication to her spiritual path is evident and shines through in her exquisite ability to be of service to others. I’ve no doubt she is here on this planet to help shift it to one of more peace and love!"

My journey with Martha this past year has helped me awaken to so much more of who I truly am.
Martha, and this beautiful Soul family she has been creating and building have helped me embrace my uniqueness and trust more deeply in my expression of it.
In all the programs I’ve been a part of, Martha has provided a safe and very loving container for us to explore, express and expand elements of ourselves, individually and collectively.
It’s been such an honour and privilege to learn and benefit from all the deep wisdom Martha brings to the world.
I highly recommend checking out all she has to offer!

Nancy Allen, Lifelong Student
"I have been working with Martha for several years now, ever since finding her symposium “Rebecoming the One” in 2022. Since that time I have become a part of her community and regularly participate in workshops, classes, and the many free and supportive offerings she makes available to us. Her books are reread for the inspirational value they have provided me. And, did I mention her astrology readings? She has been really spot-on with challenging aspects upcoming for me in my personal life and how I might negotiate my way through them. Martha has been a real treasure in my life and I am thankful to have “found” her!"
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Enjoy dozens of free videos on an array of topics to support your soul journey - from regular astrology updates, channeled messages by Martha, and countless interviews of amazing other wonderful beings! Please join in!
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Donate NowThank you so much for being here. I appreciate your support in all ways, both financial and otherwise. If you feel called to support this work through a financial donation, I appreciate that very much. As a single mother of two wonderful children, your support allows me to provide free content accessible by anyone and everyone all over the world. Any amount is helpful. Thank you so much.
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